Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 episode 5

Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 episode 5

Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 episode 5 – The adventure intensifies as we enter the fifth and next-to-last stage of this exhilarating race, a journey that has captivated audiences worldwide. Four celebrity teams, each accompanied by a loved one, find themselves embarking on a 1500-kilometer odyssey. Their starting point? The historic city of Sarajevo. Their next pit stop? Berlin, Germany’s pulsating capital, and the last checkpoint before they sprint towards the grand finish line in the Arctic Circle’s Tromsø.



As the race has unfolded, it’s become more than just a competition; it’s a revelation. The unpredictability of each twist and turn has peeled back layers, showing us facets of these famous personalities that even the most ardent fans couldn’t have predicted. We’ve seen them sweat, we’ve seen them strategize, and we’ve even seen them break down. But what makes this race genuinely unique is the viewpoint we’re granted through the eyes of the celebrities’ closest companions. These aren’t just any co-pilots; they are husbands, wives, siblings, or best friends. Through their perspectives, we’re not just spectators; we become intimate observers of these well-known lives and the dynamics of their relationships.



As the finish line looms ever closer, anticipation reaches a fever pitch. The question on everyone’s mind is simple yet agonizing: Which team has the grit, the wit, and the sheer determination to seize victory in this globe-spanning, adrenaline-fueled adventure? Each team has displayed extraordinary resilience and ingenuity thus far, but as they approach Berlin—the final rest stop before the ultimate dash to Tromsø—the stakes have never been higher.



So, with hearts pounding and eyes wide open, we watch, we cheer, and we wonder. Who will be the first to cross that much-anticipated finish line? Who will experience the euphoria of triumph, and who will taste the bitterness of near-miss? One thing is for certain: in this race across the world, there’s far more at stake than just bragging rights. It’s a life-changing journey for all involved, and we get to be a part of it.


Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 episode 5


The Race Reaches its Penultimate Leg in Sarajevo

The fifth episode of Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 begins in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where our four celebrity teams have arrived after a grueling journey from Zermatt, Switzerland. Having already traversed over 8,000 kilometers across three continents, the racers are weary but determined as they prepare for the penultimate leg of this unique competition.

Sarajevo, a historic city etched with reminders of its tumultuous past, offers a brief respite for the travelers before they embark on the next phase of their mission. As the celebs wander the winding cobblestone streets and take in sights like the Latin Bridge where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914, precipitating World War I, they are cognizant that the final push towards the finish line in Tromsø, Norway awaits.

The episode captures the teams making the most of their short break in Sarajevo to replenish themselves. Mel Blatt and her mother Evelyn seek comfort food at a local restaurant, feasting on ćevapi, a traditional grilled dish of minced meat. The Judds visit the sprawling Sarajevo bazaar to purchase fresh socks and snacks for the long road ahead. Billy Monger and his sister Maisie explore the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina to take in some history. Alex Beresford and his father Guy walk the city streets and bridges, soaking in the ambience.

These quiet moments underscore the growing bonds between the celebrities and their loved ones as they support each other through the arduous race. But soon it’s time to move on. The teams must chart their route for the next leg of over 1500 kilometers to the German capital, Berlin. As the episode’s opening provides a strong hook into this penultimate stage of the race, anticipation builds for what lies ahead.


Excitement and Exhaustion Mark the Journey from Sarajevo to Berlin

Having geared up and planned their course to Berlin, the four teams finally depart Sarajevo to kickstart the second last leg of Celebrity Race Across the World 2023. Spirits are high as the celebs and their family members head to the outskirts of the city, eager to make progress on the long trek to Germany.

But the initial burst of enthusiasm is soon tempered by the grueling realities of this mammoth road trip. With no money permitted for public transport, the teams once again have to rely on hitchhiking or their own two feet to cover the vast distance. As they walk mile after mile on the highway with thumbs outstretched, desperately hoping for a ride, exhaustion starts to set in. Even the indefatigable Mel Blatt struggles, feet blistered and back thrown out after hours of walking with a heavy bag.

The teams get intermittent respite when kindly locals or truck drivers stop to offer rides ranging from a few miles to a few hundred kilometers. But progress remains slow. At times, emotions run high as tiredness and frayed nerves impact team dynamics. Alex Beresford and his usually mild-mannered father snap at each other, both acknowledging this is the hardest thing they’ve ever done. Meanwhile, the Mongers’ ride falls through at the last minute, leaving them distraught.

Still, amidst the myriad challenges, there are heartwarming highlights. The Judds, bedraggled after a day of futile walking, are delighted when a local family welcomes them into their home for the night. The Blatts experience the kindness of strangers like the man who massages Evelyn’s feet after giving them a lift. Even small milestones like reaching Romania bring motivation to battle on.

The long, often demoralizing days on the road reveal new sides to our celebrities rarely visible beneath their public personas. As they support each other through adversity, their connections grow. Nine days and over 1000 kilometers from Sarajevo, they finally reach the outskirts of Berlin. But with the frozen extremities of Norway still ahead, there is little time for celebration. The race continues.


The Historic Contrast of Berlin Offers a Poignant Pit Stop

As the four teams stagger into Berlin, they are awestruck by the historical significance of the German capital. The sprawling city offers a stark contrast from the days spent trudging along remote highways. For the road-weary celebrities and their loved ones, it provides a welcome chance to rest their aching feet and reflect.

They lose themselves in Berlin’s complex history, a city reinvented time and again. The Judds and Blatts visit the East Side Gallery, the longest surviving stretch of the Berlin Wall covered in colorful murals. The resonant artworks commemorate Germany’s division and tumultuous reunification. Meanwhile, Billy Monger pores over WWII artifacts at the German-Russian Museum, a poignant reminder of the horrors inflicted and endured by humanity.

The teams contrast these reminders of Berlin’s dark past with the dynamic optimism of its present. Strolling through Potsdamer Platz, the vibrant mixed-use district built atop the former no man’s land separating East and West Berlin, they are struck by the city’s reinvention. They explore glittering shopping arcades and enjoy street food in trendy alleyways. Berlin’s pioneering culture captivates them.

In a touching scene, Alex Beresford and Guy Berlin visit the window of the flat where Alex’s mother lived as a child after fleeing Trinidad. Looking out across the city, Alex imagines his mother gazing at the same rooftops and spires, full of hopes and dreams. It is a profound moment for the father and son, reminding them of their good fortune despite adversity.

After days stuck in their own heads, the pit stop in Berlin offers perspective. But with the final sprint in sight, there is little time for indulgence. Rejuvenated and inspired, the teams prepare to hit the road again, headed 1,500 kilometers north to Tromsø.


The Race Towards the Finish Line Begins

Berlin restores the teams’ spirits, but the ever-present urgency of the race soon takes over. As the pairs plot the quickest route to get to the outskirts and resume their journey, a new determination sets in. There is a growing sense that the finish line in Tromsø is finally within reach after endless days stuck in transit.

Goodbyes are swift as the teams disperse, eager to maximize time on the road. After scarfing down one last German pastry, Harry and Judy Judd hitchhike out of Berlin from early morning. Despite his injured knee, Harry insists on walking for miles until they can flag down a ride. Mel Blatt bonds with her inspired mother Evelyn over memories of her Berlin childhood before the two set off.

The Mongers, anxious after falling behind, hurriedly pack their bags and rely on the kindness of a taxi driver to give them an 80-kilometre lift to get ahead. Meanwhile, with Norway so close, Alex Beresford can’t sleep the night before departing Berlin. He and Guy leave before dawn, determined to be the first to reach the Arctic Circle.

On the highways heading north, the initial excitement of making progress is tempered by harsh realities. Arctic winds and overnight snow hamper hitchhiking attempts, leaving teams shivering in the cold for hours. Twelve relentless days pass as the pairs inch their way towards Northern Scandinavia. But finally, road signs welcome them to Norway.

In this edge-of-your-seat episode, viewers share in the celebrities’ frantic push to reach the end of the epic race. But severe weather and sheer exhaustion threaten to thwart dreams of victory. In this unforgiving terrain where the sun never rises, do our racers have enough grit for one last sprint? As the hour draws to a close, the suspense over the Race’s climactic final episode builds.

other through the arduous race. But soon it’s time to move on. The teams must chart their route for the next leg of over 1500 kilometers to the German capital, Berlin. As the episode’s opening provides a strong hook into this penultimate stage of the race, anticipation builds for what lies ahead.


Excitement and Exhaustion Mark the Journey from Sarajevo to Berlin

Having geared up and planned their course to Berlin, the four teams finally depart Sarajevo to kickstart the second last leg of Celebrity Race Across the World 2023. Spirits are high as the celebs and their family members head to the outskirts of the city, eager to make progress on the long trek to Germany.

But the initial burst of enthusiasm is soon tempered by the grueling realities of this mammoth road trip. With no money permitted for public transport, the teams once again have to rely on hitchhiking or their own two feet to cover the vast distance. As they walk mile after mile on the highway with thumbs outstretched, desperately hoping for a ride, exhaustion starts to set in. Even the indefatigable Mel Blatt struggles, feet blistered and back thrown out after hours of walking with a heavy bag.

The teams get intermittent respite when kindly locals or truck drivers stop to offer rides ranging from a few miles to a few hundred kilometers. But progress remains slow. At times, emotions run high as tiredness and frayed nerves impact team dynamics. Alex Beresford and his usually mild-mannered father snap at each other, both acknowledging this is the hardest thing they’ve ever done. Meanwhile, the Mongers’ ride falls through at the last minute, leaving them distraught.

Still, amidst the myriad challenges, there are heartwarming highlights. The Judds, bedraggled after a day of futile walking, are delighted when a local family welcomes them into their home for the night. The Blatts experience the kindness of strangers like the man who massages Evelyn’s feet after giving them a lift. Even small milestones like reaching Romania bring motivation to battle on.

The long, often demoralizing days on the road reveal new sides to our celebrities rarely visible beneath their public personas. As they support each other through adversity, their connections grow. Nine days and over 1000 kilometers from Sarajevo, they finally reach the outskirts of Berlin. But with the frozen extremities of Norway still ahead, there is little time for celebration. The race continues.


The Historic Contrast of Berlin Offers a Poignant Pit Stop

As the four teams stagger into Berlin, they are awestruck by the historical significance of the German capital. The sprawling city offers a stark contrast from the days spent trudging along remote highways. For the road-weary celebrities and their loved ones, it provides a welcome chance to rest their aching feet and reflect.

They lose themselves in Berlin’s complex history, a city reinvented time and again. The Judds and Blatts visit the East Side Gallery, the longest surviving stretch of the Berlin Wall covered in colorful murals. The resonant artworks commemorate Germany’s division and tumultuous reunification. Meanwhile, Billy Monger pores over WWII artifacts at the German-Russian Museum, a poignant reminder of the horrors inflicted and endured by humanity.

The teams contrast these reminders of Berlin’s dark past with the dynamic optimism of its present. Strolling through Potsdamer Platz, the vibrant mixed-use district built atop the former no man’s land separating East and West Berlin, they are struck by the city’s reinvention. They explore glittering shopping arcades and enjoy street food in trendy alleyways. Berlin’s pioneering culture captivates them.

In a touching scene, Alex Beresford and Guy Berlin visit the window of the flat where Alex’s mother lived as a child after fleeing Trinidad. Looking out across the city, Alex imagines his mother gazing at the same rooftops and spires, full of hopes and dreams. It is a profound moment for the father and son, reminding them of their good fortune despite adversity.

After days stuck in their own heads, the pit stop in Berlin offers perspective. But with the final sprint in sight, there is little time for indulgence. Rejuvenated and inspired, the teams prepare to hit the road again, headed 1,500 kilometers north to Tromsø.


The Race Towards the Finish Line Begins

Berlin restores the teams’ spirits, but the ever-present urgency of the race soon takes over. As the pairs plot the quickest route to get to the outskirts and resume their journey, a new determination sets in. There is a growing sense that the finish line in Tromsø is finally within reach after endless days stuck in transit.

Goodbyes are swift as the teams disperse, eager to maximize time on the road. After scarfing down one last German pastry, Harry and Judy Judd hitchhike out of Berlin from early morning. Despite his injured knee, Harry insists on walking for miles until they can flag down a ride. Mel Blatt bonds with her inspired mother Evelyn over memories of her Berlin childhood before the two set off.

The Mongers, anxious after falling behind, hurriedly pack their bags and rely on the kindness of a taxi driver to give them an 80-kilometre lift to get ahead. Meanwhile, with Norway so close, Alex Beresford can’t sleep the night before departing Berlin. He and Guy leave before dawn, determined to be the first to reach the Arctic Circle.

On the highways heading north, the initial excitement of making progress is tempered by harsh realities. Arctic winds and overnight snow hamper hitchhiking attempts, leaving teams shivering in the cold for hours. Twelve relentless days pass as the pairs inch their way towards Northern Scandinavia. But finally, road signs welcome them to Norway.

In this edge-of-your-seat episode, viewers share in the celebrities’ frantic push to reach the end of the epic race. But severe weather and sheer exhaustion threaten to thwart dreams of victory. In this unforgiving terrain where the sun never rises, do our racers have enough grit for one last sprint? As the hour draws to a close, the suspense over the Race’s climactic final episode builds.


Frozen Feet and Fraying Minds as the Finish Line Approaches

As Norway’s frozen tundra begins to envelop the road-weary pairs, morale starts to waiver. Twelve days of seemingly endless transit have taken their toll, both physically and mentally. For the first time, the finish line appears so close yet still agonizingly far for the exhausted celebs and their loved ones.

The Arctic chill seeps into their bones as they struggle to find shelter from the elements. Billy Monger and Maisie’s frantic night stuck in a snowstorm captures the precarious nature of this final push. Seeking refuge in an abandoned bus, they hug each other for warmth, too frozen to sleep. Meanwhile, the Judds’ feet remain soaked for days, bordering on frostbite – their agonized faces revealing the pain of each icy footfall.

Mind over matter is the mantra as they battle howling winds and hypothermia fears. But in the endless whiteout, spirits sag. Visibly withdrawn, Alex Beresford’s drive to win seems to desert him. Mel Blatt’s feet can haul her no further, forcing an emotional Evelyn to take charge. Faced with the most brutal leg yet, confidence wavers.

Still, the celebrities dig deep to support their loved ones. Harry Judd puts his own ambitions aside to care for his struggling mother. An effusive Billy Monger becomes Maisie’s personal cheerleader, cajoling her forward one labored step at a time. Their unwavering encouragement keeps spirits from capsizing entirely.

As pitstops provide momentary relief, rollercoaster emotions come to the fore. Tears flow as the Blatts and Judds share how this experience has deepened their already close bonds. Warm embraces soothe frayed nerves. But all too quickly, it is back to the endless trudge. With Tromsø agonizingly close, will iron wills alone be enough to propel our celebrities over the finish line?


Celebrity Race Across the World 2023: The Aftermath

As episode 5 of Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 draws to its dramatic close, viewers are left wondering about the fates of the four remaining teams on the home stretch. After traversing continents and countries over 10,000 grueling kilometers, which pair will muster the final perseverance to reach the finish line first?

In the coming days, headlines will blare news of the race’s victors. There will be analyses of how the winner managed to outpace the rest, speculation about critical strategic decisions and debates over what gave them the edge. The champions will bask in their hard fought glory after a recovery period to bounce back from physical and mental exhaustion.

Meanwhile, the other celebrities will return to their regular routines changed by the experience. They will regale interviews with anecdotes about the race’s many trials and look back with nostalgia on the special time shared with their loved ones. While disappointed to fall short, they will speak of invaluable lessons learned about resisting adversity as a team.

And the Race’s legions of fans will rewatch every gripping moment. They will laugh and cry again as armchair travelers following along across 24 countries from their sofas. For many, the Race will have affirmed the indomitable human capacity to endure against improbable odds. Others will simply marvel at the celebrities thrust beyond their comfort zones.

But for now, with the conclusion unknown, the imaginations of viewers are held in thrall. As episode 5 closes, reflecting on the obstacles already overcome leaves little doubt that somehow, fueled by love and steely will, the remaining contenders will find a way to make it to the end. Their last steps through Tromø will culminate an unprecedented journey demonstrating the power of human resilience.


Celebrity Race Across the World Spurs Introspection on Privilege

While Celebrity Race Across the World depicts celebrities willfully embarking on an arduous adventure, the journey juxtaposes their first-world struggles against the daily hardships encountered by many across the globe. This contrast often spurs introspection on the privileges we take for granted.

Despite having no money or phones, the celebrities still enjoy advantages over displaced refugees and migrants making similar treks out of desperation rather than choice. Their suffering elicits sympathy, but they have the security of knowing it is temporary. Once past the finish line, fame and fortune await again. The celebs’ visceral reactions to going hungry or sleeping rough feel jarring precisely because such deprivations lie so far outside their norm. Meanwhile, for millions mired in poverty worldwide, such conditions remain an inescapable daily reality.

By stripping away modern comforts and security nets, even briefly, Celebrity Race Across the World lays bare our sheltered existences. It serves as a microcosm forcing both celebs and viewers to confront the hardships endured by so many worldwide just to survive. Some criticize this as trauma porn, exploiting others’ misery. But the show’s popularity suggests we intuitively recognize the need at times for such visceral reminders of how fortunate many of us are. By engendering gratitude for the conveniences we often ignore, it creates space for compassion.

Grappling with inequality can be uncomfortable. But Celebrity Race Across the World compels us to reflect on our own privilege. Those moments may yet plant the seeds for change.


Celebrity Race Across the World Highlights Family Resilience

While Celebrity Race Across the World manifests as a grueling competition, it is also a poignant portrait of family love tested by adversity. By having the famous faces partner with a close family member, the show unveils strengths and complexities of familial bonds stretched to their limits.

Wedded to the same goal, celebrities like Harry Judd and Mel Blatt must support aging parents pushed far beyond their limits. We witness Generations X and Z collaborating as Billy Monger and Maisie Monger draw on each other’s talents. And Alex Beresford realizes how the race echoes his own father’s immigration journey, deepening empathy.

These family dynamics add emotional heft to the celebrities’ struggles. The race tests bonds through high stress, yet we watch most emerge stronger. In their darkest moments, the knowledge that a loved one needs them perseveres becomes the celebs’ life raft. Their family connections sustain them. Even when minor spats arise, the celebs show repentance and grace towards their kin. We are reminded that those closest to us often see us at our worst yet love us still. Their feedback keeps us accountable as we try living up to our best selves.

At its core, Celebrity Race Across the World is about family resilience. It reveals the testament of love when, even depleted, we muster energy to selflessly support relatives. Through that lens, the Race becomes less about the destination than the shared voyage drawing families closer.


Celebrity Family Dynamics Provide Escape and Relatability

In an increasingly isolated digital era, Celebrity Race Across the World also offers a rare glimpse into the genuine family dynamics between the famous competitors. Seeing celebrities beyond the filter of wealth, fame and reputation provides a form of escapism for many viewers.

Watching their unguarded interactions—the inside jokes, bickering, empathy and support—the celebs become relatable. Their patience, trust, and teamwork model healthy relationships applicable as much for average families as the privileged.

We take comfort in the realization that even the rich and famous have ordinary family issues. They too struggle with generation gaps, contrasting temperaments, and occasionally getting on each other’s nerves. But like us, their bonds run deeper than any conflicts. Indeed, the celebrity status recedes into the background as the journeys unfold. What remains are the fundamental human experiences of love, loyalty, frustration and perseverance resonating with us all.

Audiences find catharsis observing how others grapple with adversity, discovering our shared humanity in the process. The celebrities’ loyal commitment to family evokes what is most laudable in us. Tuning in reaffirms our belief in the unifying power of love. In celebrating the resilience of family ties, Celebrity Race Across the World provides both escape and relatability. The famous faces become reflections of ourselves. And their hope springs eternal.


Celebrity Race Across the World Recaptures the Spirit of Exploration

In many ways, Celebrity Race Across the World evokes the intrepid voyages of discovery from centuries past. Like the great explorers, the celebrity teams embark on an epic journey into the unknown, their perseverance tested by harsh environments and uncertain outcomes.

The celebs become modern-day adventurers as they navigate foreign lands without modern technology or comforts. Much like pioneers crossing the American frontier, they too face punishing terrain and must rely on their wits. Even finding food and shelter becomes a daily challenge. The show recaptures the daring and fascination embodied by famous expeditions like Lewis and Clark’s 19th century traverse of the American West. But unlike historically, here ordinary people accompany famous figures rather than guides or sailors.

We identify with their awe upon encountering new landscapes and cultures so far removed from their daily lives. Their joy at small milestones mirrors that of ancient wayfinders celebrating celestial navigation feats or overlooking new horizons. And like the great early races to reach the Poles or scale Everest, this journey too seems driven by an enduring human impulse to expand boundaries. For the celebrity racers, the expedition stretches the frontiers of their capabilities and worldviews.

Stripped of all tech tools, they are forced to connect more authentically with foreign environments, harkening back to the immersive adventures of yore. Their epic trek inspires the same restless pioneer spirit within many of us. In the end, Celebrity Race Across the World scratches a primal itch to explore the unknown. The celebs’ journey awakens our inner adventurer. Their ambitious voyage across continents kindles our own desire to wander beyond the horizon and discover.


Celebrity Race Across the World: A Rare Test of Grit and Teamwork

The unprecedented endurance challenge posed by Celebrity Race Across the World sets it apart from typical reality shows. Lacking eliminations or material rewards beyond pride, it instead tests human perseverance and teamwork to the extreme. The celebs and their companions must demonstrate iron-willed tenacity day after grueling day, overcoming immense physical and mental barriers. Steely resolve and moral support sustain them mile after isolating mile. Eschewing drama, the show celebrates cooperation, generosity and courage.

This helps explain the Race’s appeal. It taps into our hope that when thrust into dire straits, our shared humanity would prevail over selfishness. We see proof in acts like strangers helping restless teams or celebs supporting exhausted loved ones. The Race’s authenticity also sets it apart. Ditching contrived challenges, it spotlights real character revealed under duress. We witness the celebs’ properous veneers give way to their authentic cores – and they shine through.

Ultimately, Celebrity Race Across the World enthralls by showcasing human determination and sacrificial love. It reminds cynics that even in an age of individualism, we remain hardwired for community and perseverance against remarkable adversity.The Race stands as an unprecedented testament to the bonds of family and the indomitability of the human spirit. Its inspirational journey will linger across continents and years in the hearts of its intrepid pioneers and millions of devoted fans.


Conclusion: An Unforgettable Odyssey across Continents

Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 represents a landmark competition unmatched in the reality television genre. By having famous figures partner with loved ones to complete a grueling 24 country, 10,000 kilometer race without modern tools, the show has provided unprecedented insight into human resilience, family bonds, privilege, and the enduring appeal of exploration.

The unfiltered look at celebrity contestants deprived of their comfort zones and faced with punishing obstacles day after day has enthralled millions tracking their journey on the edge of their seats. The racers’ peaks and pitfalls, camaraderie and conflict have unveiled their authentic characters beyond personas. But most touchingly, their shared mission with family members – racing as one through myriad challenges – has proven the remarkable power of love to push us far beyond imagined limitations.

As the epic race across continents reaches its finale, the eventual champions will deserve immense credit for persevering where so many would falter. But win or lose, all who sacrificed so much over thousands of lonely miles – gaining fresh outlooks on the world, their loved ones and themselves along the way – have shown that the human spirit remains indomitable.

When stripped of all but the essentials, we endure and reveal the best in ourselves and others. That is the profound lesson the celebrity racers, and all who experienced the arduous journey with them, will cherish in seasons to come. Seen through this lens, it becomes clear everyone who dared greatly has emerged triumphant.


Frequently Asked Questions about Celebrity Race Across the World 2023


1. How many episodes are there in Celebrity Race Across the World 2023?

There are 6 episodes in the latest 2023 season of Celebrity Race Across the World. The season premiered on BBC One on October 22, 2022. And can be watch all over the world here on ClumpHD.com

2. What are the rules for the celebrities competing in the race?

The celebrities are paired up with a companion and provided only a small backpack. They cannot take money or phones. The pairs are given a map, GPS tracker, and a budget equivalent to the airfare route but cannot access air travel. They must rely on their own tenacity, the kindness of strangers, and short-term work opportunities to reach the finish line.

3. Which countries did the race pass through in 2023?

The race began in Marrakech, Morocco and finished in Tromsø, Norway, traversing 24 countries over more than 10,000 km including Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden among others along the way.

4. How are the tasks divided between the celebrities and their companions?

While both share the burden of navigating and transit during the race, the celebrity often takes the lead in hitchhiking or finding resources while the companion provides moral support. The companions are typically family members of advanced age, adding to the celebrities’ motivation not to give up.

5. Have all the episodes of Celebrity Race Across the World 2023 aired yet?

No, as of October 2023, only 5 out of the total 6 episodes for the season have aired. The season finale is scheduled to be broadcast on BBC One on October 29, 2022. After airing on TV, episodes are available on streaming internationally.

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