The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023

The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023

The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023 – At The Repair Shop this Christmas season, our team of specialists is tasked with executing four intricate and meaningful restorations.


Leading the series of projects is a unique item brought in by Steve from Chesterfield: a mechanically engineered Christmas cake designed in the 1940s by his uncle Fred, a skilled engineer with a flair for entertainment. This remarkable contraption, a fusion of culinary art and mechanical engineering, has been dormant for decades. Our chief mechanical expert, Steve Fletcher, alongside electronics authority Mark Stuckey and ceramics connoisseur Kirsten Ramsay, are collaborating to meticulously restore this family heirloom to its former glory.


Mark Stuckey is also entrusted with the delicate rehabilitation of a record player, a poignant memento for Jo Thomas from Wales. This record player, a final gift from her late son Ben, symbolizes their shared passion for music. Ben, who bravely battled Osteosarcoma, purchased it for Jo during his final Christmas. Our objective is to not only restore the record player’s functionality but also to modify it with elevated legs, accommodating Jo’s arthritis and ensuring ease of use.


Adding to the festive spirit, Sheila and Denise from Newcastle-upon-Tyne present a pair of antique paper models of Santa Claus, over a century old and cherished through three generations. Our paper restoration specialist, Angelina Bakalarou, is poised to meticulously rejuvenate these delicate heirlooms, preserving their historical integrity while reviving their jubilant aesthetics.

Concluding our festive endeavors, Pete Woods takes on the restoration of a steel-pan drum, a significant piece of cultural heritage brought in by Mark from Brighton. This drum, acquired by Mark’s father, Ralph Cherrie, a renowned steel pan artist, during a memorable family trip to Trinidad in 1976, marks the inception of Mark’s own musical journey. Pete, in collaboration with metalwork expert Dominic Chinea and leatherwork specialist Suzie Fletcher, is tasked with the comprehensive restoration of this instrument, ensuring both its visual appeal and acoustic precision.

Our team at The Repair Shop is committed to delivering these restorations with meticulous attention to detail, honoring the rich histories and emotional significance embedded in each item.

The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023

Arriving first is Steve from Chesterfield, whose has brought a very deceptive Christmas treat. The unassuming Christmas cake is not actually a baked dessert, but a mechanical marvel created by Steven’s uncle Fred in the 1940s. Fred, who had an engineering background, loved to entertain, and this cake was an annual highlight for the whole family. Steve recalls the gadget as being like nothing he’d ever seen before or since, but it’s been a long time since the mechanism has entertained a Christmas party. Steve is hoping that the barn’s mechanical maestro, Steve Fletcher, can rescue the wreckage, but to do so, he’s is going to need a helping hand from electronics whizz Mark Stuckey and ceramic expert Kirsten Ramsay.

Also on Mark Stuckey’s job list is the restoration of a record player that holds important memories for Jo Thomas from Wales. Jo hopes that Mark can put a halt to further deterioration of this sentimental piece of equipment that was gifted to her by her late son, Ben, who tragically passed away in 2006 aged just 11. Ben was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, shortly after his 10th birthday, but his illness never dampened his zest for life. As his last Christmas neared, Ben, who shared a love of music with his mum, went shopping and bought her this record player using his own money. The player has been out of service for a number of years now, and Jo longs to hear it again. With arthritis making it difficult for Jo to bend down, she’d like the unit to be placed on legs so that she can operate it more easily.

Next to arrive are mother and daughter Sheila and Denise from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, who have brought a pair of unique paper models of Santa Claus dating back over 100 years. The Santas have been owned by three generations of Sheila’s family, and hold fond memories for Sheila and Denise. But these treasured family heirlooms are now beginning to show their age. Paper restorer Angelina Bakalarou is determined to return them back to their once jolly appearance.

The final restoration falls to little drummer boy Pete Woods, who’s faced with repairing a steel-pan drum brought in by Mark from Brighton. Presenting the drum, Mark explains that his father, Ralph Cherrie, a celebrated steel pan player, picked it up in 1976 when the family made a big Christmas trip to Trinidad, his country of birth. Mark has vivid memories of this special trip with his dad, and it was also the start of his own journey as a musician.

Pete has the challenging task of getting this drum back in top working order. To complete his mission, Pete enlists the help of metalwork expert Dominic Chinea to restore the exterior of the drum, and leatherwork supremo Suzie Fletcher to create a new strap so that Mark can wear the drum around his neck.

F.A.Q. The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023

Q.: What is the primary focus of “The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023” event?

A.: “The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023” is an event where a team of specialists undertakes four intricate and meaningful restorations. These projects involve the revival of unique items rich in history and emotional significance, blending artistry and technical skill to restore their former glory.

Q.: Can you describe some of the unique items featured in “The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023”?

A.: The event features a diverse range of items. Notable among them is a mechanically engineered Christmas cake from the 1940s, a poignant record player that is a memento from a late son, a pair of antique paper models of Santa Claus over a century old, and a culturally significant steel-pan drum. Each item has a unique backstory and sentimental value to its owners.

Q.: Who are the specialists involved in the restorations for “The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023”?

A.: The team includes experts like Steve Fletcher, a chief mechanical expert, Mark Stuckey, an electronics authority, Kirsten Ramsay, a ceramics connoisseur, Angelina Bakalarou, a paper restoration specialist, and others. Each brings their specific expertise to carefully restore these cherished items.

Q.: What kind of modifications and restorations are being made to these items?

A.: The restorations are varied and tailored to each item’s needs. For example, the Christmas cake is being brought back to working condition, the record player is being repaired and modified with elevated legs for ease of use, the paper models of Santa Claus are being rejuvenated, and the steel-pan drum is undergoing comprehensive restoration for both visual appeal and acoustic precision.

Q.: What is the significance of these restorations in “The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023”?

A.: These restorations are more than just fixing old items; they are about preserving and honoring the rich histories and emotional significance embedded in each piece. The event symbolizes the connection between the past and present, showcasing how cherished memories and heritage can be revived and appreciated anew.

Q.: How does “The Repair Shop At Christmas 2023” impact the community or the owners of these items?

A.: For the item owners, these restorations bring back cherished memories and a piece of their history. For the community, it demonstrates the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the incredible skill of artisans and technicians who breathe new life into what might otherwise be forgotten relics. It’s a celebration of craftsmanship, history, and personal stories.

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